Wednesday 16 May 2018

Things to look forward to after giving birth that no one told you about

Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing. You are literally bringing a life inside you. As you count down the days, weeks and months you are pretty excited and cannot wait to meet your little one. New moms makes motherhood seem like a breeze when they post on social media or when you see them in real life however, reality check here! It is not as easy as it seems. Here are some things they did not tell you happens after giving birth to your bundle of joy.

1. Those sore breasts!

Ugh! Omg! Just reminiscing makes it feel like I am experiencing it again! After your baby is born you do not produce milk until about 1-2 days after. What your baby will get is called colostrum which are basically disease fighting antibodies which will help to strengthen your baby's immune system. For me personally, for the first 3 days after giving birth my breasts were so swollen and tender to the point that I could not lay on my chest and it brought me to tears! I do not know whether it was the build up of milk but the feeling was unbearable that I just cried myself to sleep and made my mom give my baby formula because I could not even breastfeed. What helped a bit was dipping a towel in warm water and pressing it down on my breasts. My mom then told me that the same thing happened to her when she was pregnant with my sister.The following day the pain was bearable but gosh! I wish someone warned me before!

                              Image result for sore breast after birth

2. The latching process

In order to breastfeed your baby you have to help them to properly latch. My baby boy is now 8 months old and he has still not latched on properly which is why he is a formula baby. It is not easy! Midwives at the hospital and nurses tried their best to help me to let my little one latch but it was impossible. I felt like it was my fault and cried because I did not think he was getting the nutrients he needed. He would only latch to the top half of my nipple which made my nipples VERY sore and I just could not take it anymore because it was extremely painful! For some it will take time and for others it might not happen at all but no matter what do not get flustered and be hard on yourself.

                                         Related image

3. Your body is EXTREMELY tired

I do not know why or what causes it but you just always feel tired even if you just laid in bed all day doing nothing. Sometimes I would fall asleep while feeding my baby (which is not safe but just showing you how tired you can get). The tiredness gets really real! It is good to always have extra hands around to help because you do not want to be falling asleep with the baby in your hands and next thing the baby slides right out.

                      Related image

4. You will be bleeding for daysssss!

You get excited when you do not get to see your period because you're pregnant right? But you have to payback mother nature lol. After giving birth you have constant bleeding for about 2-3 weeks. According to BabyCentre UK, this happens due to the removal of the placenta. Most of the bleeding comes from where the placenta is moved away from the wall of the uterus. Sometimes it is also due to tears you receive from giving birth. So make sure you stock up on sanitary napkins...lots of them! And not the regular ones either. You need the maternity pads that are long and covers the length of your underwear. You can also get underwear with material that can be easily washed out so in case you bleed a lot to mess up your panties, you can easily wash the blood stains out.

Image result for maternity pads Image result for maternity pads

Overall, the development of your bundle of joy will let you look back and say it was all worth it! Cheers on being a soon to be mom and WELCOME to motherhood!

Thursday 10 May 2018

Get the best swimsuits from these 3 stores at LOW LOW prices.

With summer coming up, here are a few sites which have amazing swimsuits which you would love to rock this summer and that will have you getting compliments left, right and center!

1. Aliexpress

This site is a wholesale brand where thousands of Chinese sellers advertise their products for sale. They sell ALL arrays of items ranging from apparels to jewelry to electronics at wholesale prices and most things have FREE shipping depending on your location. Free shipping + wholesale price? That sounds like a deal. They also have a GREAT refunding policy where you are guaranteed a refund if you are not pleased with what you ordered. Another tip for Aliexpress is that when you order from their app, you receive a 6% discount on all items. They have swimsuits starting from as low as $2! I get ALL my swimsuits from here and they are all amazing quality. Click here to check it out!
The only draw back is that sometimes the items takes a really long time to get to you but you can plan and order ahead to ensure you get your items on time and also they do not sell tops differently from the bottom.

2. Romwe

They have many warehouses and branches all over the world. Their swimsuits are chic, sexy and fun with good quality.  The swimmies are also very reasonable going as low as $6!

To purchase this one and view others, click HERE!

Isn't this one super cute??? Click HERE to purchase and view more styles.

The same disadvantage applies here where they sell sets and not separates however the biknis are super. I have never ordered there before so I am not sure how long delivery takes.

3. Forever 21

I have forever been in love with Forever 21. I love everything about it! They do sell great swimmies and the great thing is that they sell items separately and although it's not wholesale price, the price is still affordable! Go and check them out!

Want to know how to gain followers on Instagram? I have you covered!

Usually you see people with huge follower amount and you wonder how they do it. You might Google some things and you see results about buying followers which usually if you do not continue buying, you will lose them quickly. Here are some tips I know have worked and hopefully work for you as well.

1. Use #hashtags

What is such a thing? Hashtags are used to create a sub-world. It groups pictures, posts and people based on the relevant hashtag used. People use hashtags so people can become aware of what they post, what they're about and to even promote themselves and businesses. Social media outlets such as Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr makes use of hashtags. How do you go about it?

How do I choose which hashtag to use?

You could choose things relevant to the photo you are posting. As the example 1 up top, I had on a blue dress so I chose to use "#bluedress". Or you can choose to put popular hashtags where majority of people uses and views. On Instagram, one of the most popular hashtag is "#love". You may Google other popular ones.

2. Engage with people

Hit the like button, comment and follow as well. From this you can make friends which equals more people following you. Do not get creepy though and always be sliding into DMs. You can also do polls for people to answer which increases traffic to your page.

3. Use Instagram Ad

By using Instagram Ads, you can promote your profile to bring awareness from people all over the world. How it works is that you choose a photo you would like promoting, create a caption for it, choose your audience. It however isn't free but the good thing is that you can promote within a budget which you choose. You can promote for as low as $1 a day! 

4. Could do a thing called "promo for promo"

What this basically means is that you agree to promote someone/give them a shoutout on your page in return that they do the same on their page. This usually have people wanting to see what your profile or business has and if they like what they see they will follow.

5. Have a creative Instagram pattern or theme

Once your profile is of a certain theme or pattern and grab their attention they will follow. You could choose to post only black and white pictures, travel pictures etc.

Figure 1 showing a black and white themed blog.

Figure 2 showing the different pattern styles you could post